Selasa, 20 November 2012


A horizon dusk drove us to a remote village in the district of Maros, Bonto Manurung name a range of about ± 40 km makssar only be traveled with a time of 2 hours. Maros regency known by the beauty of its tower karst exotic waterfalls bantimurungnya. This time we will tell you about the waterfall village hamlet Bonto Manurung New Maros,
Bonto Manurung is a village in the district of Maros outlying villages bordering Gowa Sarongan just a ridge separating the filter so long village with Gowa, they have not been touched by the power only a lamp lights that illuminate every night his son to learn , sunguh pity this village and it's unfortunate I did Indonesia, which he said has abundant natural resources. Manurung Bonto village society is very friendly and respectful if they are coming of people - those who come from outside the village.

 Speaking of waterfalls in the Maros definitely be a lot of stories about Bantimurung waterfall is in the National Park area Bantimurung Bulusaraung. This time we will tell you that there is a waterfall in the river system in Bonto Manrung Monrolo Hamlet Barru Monrolo River headwaters named because it came from a mountain with a large boulder endesit sturdy stand make this mountain with an altitude of ± 1600 MDL. This river flows into the river and joined Balasak tanralili later to the river in the town of Maros.
Bonto Manrung has 6 pieces waterfall which we call canyoning MONROLO SYSTEM WATER FALL with water discharge ± 450L / s and ± 10 m wide river, among others;
1. Saliyu waterfall is on the river upstream with an elevation of ± 55 m, Saliyu makassar is a language that means this waterfall mist so foggy,
2. Tumbu waterfall is the second waterfall from the top of which has a height of ± 20 meters
3. Jami waterfall waterfall which has a height of 3 ± 30 meters supposedly said once someone fell in the waterfall is named Jami Jami namakanlah then,
4. Memilii Panrang waterfall height of ± 25 meters he was in position 4 of the upstream river
5. Bumbungan waterfall has a height of 30 meters and ±
6. Lembang waterfall is the final waterfall which has a height of ± 70 meters
Towards a New Hamlet Bonto Manurung Tanralili Kabuputan Maros district, if the start of a power strip you ride public transportation (pete-pete) Maros purpose at a cost of Rp. 4000, - and asked for public transport drivers at weigh down its Maccopa, Arriving in Maccopa followed by Bonto Manurung drove at a cost of Rp. 30.000, -
When using a two-wheeled vehicle (motor) just enough to buy gasoline Rp. 10.000, - you've arrived at the village of Bonto Manurung tanralili district.

 Journey at the start of a new hamlet Manurung Bonto village on foot with a tempu 45 -60 minutes, the track is very clear and very easy because these paths often pass by people Bonto Manurung to go keladangnya nature lovers as well as student organizations usually used as an educational path basis for this area,
 If you have ended up in the valley waterfall with only a 40-minute walk away you've arrived at the village of Bonto Manurung back.
Recommendations for further activities
1. River System Monrolo very suitable to use as a hydroelectric pembagkit for Communities and societies have Bonto Manurung Parang Bonto
2. Potential for the development of biogas enregi see abundance of raw material ie cow dung biogas
3. Need penyeluhan on agriculture because the land surrounding the village is very suitable for vegetables
4. Landscapes such as mountains and rivers flowing waterfalls that has many developers is support for the tourism sector (Canyoning, Rafting, Hiking and Agro).

1. Documentation clubKorpala Hasanudin universty
2. Note journey "as blue skies Not Again"
3. Small note seventen generation "Fog Has Dropped I Must Go"




Kamis, 12 April 2012

Karst Maros and Pangkep

Year 2001 has significance for the lovers of karst and environmentalists in South Sulawesi, Section this year one of the region's unique characteristic and this area was unanimously approved by the scientists and cave crawler from 34 countries around the world as an area that has a value of world and urgent to be conserved. This moment is considered as the starting point of significant concern to the continuation of the benefits of the karst area of ​​300,000 hectares which stretches along the eastern district. Maros and Pangkep. The world's attention is at least able to control over-exploitation is only momentary and promotes the interests of a class of people for this.
Maros karst region-Pangkep by geologists belonging Tonasa Formation between the ages of early Miocene to late Miocene, forms of water activity in the area of ​​limestone to form a distinctive landscape .. Based on the study conducted, it turns out this region contains a large mineral resources primarily for Cement and Marble Industry and the amount of gravel and sand for building purposes. The presence of igneous rock that mengintrusi limestone in some places leads to the metamorphosis of limestone into marble. Intrusion process is partly found in the area Bungoro District. Pangkep and Leang-leang in Maros regency.
Until now carrying two cement industries operating in Maros Karst Area Pangkep Tonasa Cement Industry is located in two places in the districts. Pangkep with a total area of ​​approximately 1354.7 ha or less over 25% of the Kars region in Kab. Pangkep and Bosowa Cement Industry (Children Bosowa Group Company) operating since 1988 in line also received addition Maros karst region with an area of ​​720 ha for a business license. Other than that listed 24 companies have been pocketing isin marble with area businesses kelolah between 15-25 acres. Exploitation of mineral marble is concentrated in two places, namely in the District Bungoro Pangkep district and in the village of Leang-leang in Maros regency. Marble industry has been authorized to operate them is PT. Citatah Corporation ...... in District District Bungoro Pangkep and PT. Sulawesi, PT Bosowa Mining, PT. Makassar Langgaulaweng Leang-Leang village Maros regency. Average effort isin this marble company ranged between 15 -25 hectares.
Environmental impact can be seen directly in the field caused by physical changes in the industry is the area into a barren area of ​​desert rock. The expansion of such damage will be growing in line with the activity of the plant and will also be accompanied by air pollution due to dust. Not including the possibility of potential social impacts created by the residents living around the factory area. which in turn will raise the vertical conflict between communities and companies, because in fact most of the industry does not care about the welfare of society.
Karst denudation of forest cover will also continue with a reduced ability to absorb and store water that is known as a source of support for people living Pangkep Maros and especially for the provision of clean water.
Concerns over the preservation of the Maros karst region Pangkep quite reasonable because there are indications that most of these mining companies are not equipped with a recovery plan after the destruction of land (Document EIA). Tract of land plant operations will not be what? . Simple questions like this should not be difficult to answer by a company that is equipped with environmental impact analysis documents, but in a field visit conducted by the MPA as one of Indonesia to the cement industry in the Maros, the answer is far from the expected even seem ridiculous. Government in this regard Bapedalda also unable to provide satisfactory answers to similar questions.
Physical damage alone, may not quite be the motive for our concern compared to the amount donated by the company's contribution to revenue (PAD) is concerned. Or how many workers are capable of accommodating the company. However, keep in mind that this area holds the potential biodipersity invaluable, even long before the destruction began to be felt, the government wisely has set up several places in the Maros karst region Pangkep as conservation areas, including CA. Bantimurung, CA. Karaenta. And TWA and TWA pattunuang Bantimurung Asue in Kab. Maros and CA. Bulusaraung in the District. Pangkep.
One goal of conservation is to protect several endemic species of Flora and Fauna Inhabiting the region known as Kars Maros Pangkep Black Ape (Macaca maura), (Penelopides exahatus), Large Sulawesi hornbill (Rhyticerus cassedix), Couscous Sulawesi (Phalanger celebencis), Bear cuscus (Phalanger ursius), Weasel Sulawesi (Macrogolidia messenbraecki) Sulawesi hornbill, Ebony Wood (Diospyrus celebica) as well as dozens of species of insects (Butterflies), which include some rare and endemic.

Such protective measures should be able to preserve the diversity of fauna, especially the status plora endemic, but the reality in this conservation area was not immune from the threat of damage. Call such a TWA Bantimurung so popular with butterfly diversity. The fact now Bantimurung butterfly populations declined drastically due to illegal and uncontrolled fishing. Ironically wild catch is sold freely and cheap to visitors in the region.
Is not this the fate of Insecta family needs serious attention if you do not like nicknames as The Kingdom Of Butterfly for Bantimurung be in name and history alone. At least the function of breeding butterflies that have enabled the region and is optimized to compensate for the rate of mortality due to habitat degradation and illegal arrests.
Management of irregularities Natural Park became one of the main causes so much damage arising almost all tourist attractions in the area suffered much damage, so the tour packages offered by nature to be unattractive. Perguaan region (Endo karst) are very sensitive to human interaction were also subjected to exploitation keparawisataan without prior feasibility study, so that in a short time, some caves are offered as a tourist attraction suffered severe damage both biologically and aesthetically. One reason is the traffic intensity is too high and the lack of adequate knowledge of ethics by tracing both much less visitors of trustees. Usually the end is left without a companion that understands search the ethics of a search of the cave.
Now if we go like tourist caves in the Cave of Dreams Bantimurung or caves in the TWA Pattunuang Asue do not expect to see the beauty of the cave ornaments or distinctive fauna that live in perpetual darkness, because it was filled with graffiti that is not pleasing to the eye and the unique fauna of the cave itself has disappeared somewhere.
Amid serubuan various interests such as these, the idea of ​​setting up large areas of karst Maros National Park Bantimurung Pangkep as-Bulusaraung. National Rescue idea of ​​God's presence is expected to answer komplik between economic and conservation interests that should be run side by side. Hopefully the National Park's future is not just a mere name. Do not let the karst hills was shattered so rock ....!